주한미국대사관 썸네일형 리스트형 |상반기취업| 주한미국대사관 상무부 인턴십 채용(~1/30) 주한 미국대사관 상무부 인턴십 채용 마감 : ~2015.01.30 Six month internship with the Commercial Service in the U.S. Embassy in Seoul, Korea(주한 미국대사관, 상무부 인턴쉽) “Don't hesitate to apply for this internship because 6 months at CS Korea is a worthwhile experience which will have an impact on your life for more than 60 years.” – Former Commercial Service Intern – Welcome! The U.S. Department of Commerce (Commercial Se.. 더보기 이전 1 다음