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Open Positions

[하반기공채] 한국마이크로소프트 영업부문 신입채용(~8/28)

한국마이크로소프트 신입 영업사원 채용

접수기간: 8/20~8/28



1) 4년제 대학 20132, 20138월 졸업자 혹은 20142월 졸업예정자

2) 영어 communication 원활한 사람

3) 전학년 평점평균 4.5만점 환산 3.0 이상

4) 영업에 대한 강한 의지가 있는 사람

5) 전공무관

6) 병역필 또는 면제자로 해외여행에 결격사유가 없는 사람

●모집기간 : 8/20()~8/28()

●전형절차 : 서류전형→인터뷰(개별통보) →건강검진→최종합격

●입사예정일 : 2013.9.16

●지원방법: 이메일 지원

1) MS Template(word) 영문이력서(첨부파일 양식 참조)

 한국MS MACH 이력서.docx

2) 파일제목 : 졸업(예상)년월_이름(ex. 201308_Hong kil Dong.docx)

3) 제출처 : Koreahr@microsoft.com

●담당자 : 인사부 윤여주 (a-yeyun@microsoft.com)



Channel Executive


Purpose: Deep understanding of the strategic priorities and account performance as it relates to the market to drive thought leadership and control the sales conversation. Leverage relationships to execute on ‘CCG Selling Motions’: Design In, Sell In, Sell Through) including:  Influence the supply chain, Sell services, devices and attach, & Drive demand for devices and services as they are sold to end customers through channels (Sell Through)



Key Accountabilities:

l Analysis & Insight

Understand the industry, market direction/trends and how are we positioned with the account relative to our competition

Invest time to gain deep business insight and analytics about the account –their addressable market, current and future strategy, their product and services portfolio, how they monetize with the end customer and measure that success, their competition and how that maps to Microsoft

Recognize activities/synergies that will influence longer-term relationship


l Account Planning

Account Landscape -deep understanding of accounts business –use insights gained to create account strategy and translate to a quality account plan

Account Focus -identify key focus areas for execution

Account Goals -establish clear objectives and measureable goals

Account Strategy -strike appropriate balance between short-term and long-term objectives and detail key tactics to employ

Account Drivers -define 1-2 ‘Big Bets’


l Relationship Management

Understand + evangelize Microsoft products/devices/services –package & present ‘The Pitch’

Develop & execute on account-specific value propositions that link the value of our products/devices/services with the accounts objectives

Create opportunities and manage co-marketing & programs to drive joint success

Think of relationship management as living process versus ‘a moment in time’ –aspires to ‘Trusted Advisor’ status

Map and understand the power base of individuals/teams at the account that will make/influence decisions with Microsoft

Conditions of Satisfaction (COS) -develop and actively review COS with the account and agree associated action plans

Elevate account’s visibility and relevance at Microsoft with crisp and insightful internal communications

Exploit the right opportunities with the right account on the right timelines

Account recognizes value and includes us in business planning cycles and quarterly business reviews

Anticipate competition and have an active plan


l Foresight (Find another word)

Actively mine for future opportunities, assessrisks, dissect and learn from key wins/losses

Longer-range strategic thinking and planning –develops 3-year account plan

Share account and marketplace level insights for Microsoft outcomes

Demonstrate responsiveness and creativity with the partner to shape the market, not just ride the market


l Business Operational Excellence

Accountable for executing account plan to committed metrics -forecast accuracy, revenue attainment, scorecard, share & Customer and Partner Experience

Orchestrate internal rhythm of business (ROB) and scorecard

Follow-through on commitments


l Governance

Lead cross-team collaboration to influence execution (within CCG + larger SMSG org and BGs)