IT Site Administrator 계약직 채용
접수기간: 7/20~7/26
Position Title: IT site administrator
- Support Windows based client PCs (desktop PC, laptop), preferably to have experience on Lenovo PCs.
- Configure Windows system according to the standards and the security policies of Beckman Coulter IT
- Support Windows operating system (Windows 7) and Beckman Coulter IT standard applications (i.e. Outlook 2010/2013, SharePoint, Microsoft Lync, McAfee Antivirus) installed on client desktop
- IT Assets management
- Assist supporting local applications collaborating with IT EIS/BSS
- Provide basic on-site assistance with defined working procedures for the local servers, the network infrastructure and the telephony system collaborating with IT Asia Pacific team and coordinating with local vendors where and when needed
- Handle and escalate service requests, problem reports and change events with Remedy OnDemand system
- Assist local IT projects, coordinating with users and IT Asia Pacific team
- Monitor Server Room including physical security, air conditioning and power supply coordinating with local vendors where and when needed
- Assist IT procurement for client laptop, IT facility, equipment, H/W and S/W where and when needed
- Relevant documentation for the above assignments
1) 경력: Minimum 2 years of IT related experience
2) 전공: 컴퓨터 공학 전공 우대
3) 언어사용능력: 영어 능통자 (본사와의 원활한 커뮤니케이션 필수)
4) 고용형태: 파견 계약직 (연장가능성 있음) / 주5일 근무
5) 근무조건
- 근무지역: 서울 강남구
- 인근전철: 3호선/분당선 수서역 도보 5분 이내
- 근무요일: 주 5일 근무
- 급여조건: 회사내규에 따름
- 근무시간: 09:00~18:00
6) 전형방법
- 1차 서류전형 → 2차 면접전형 → 3차 적성검사 → 4차 면접전형 → 최종합격
7) 제출서류
- 자유형식의 국/영문 이력서 및 자기소개서를 MS-word 하나의 파일로 묶어 제출
- 파일제목명: 이름_출생년도성별 (예: 홍길동_1985남)
8) 접수기간: 2015-7-26(일)까지
9) 접수방법: