ACE I&M Consulting
Research Analyst 인턴 채용
접수기간: 1/27~1/31
Ace I&M Consulting
Research Analyst Intern Recruitment Ace I&M Consulting, based in Seoul, is an investment and development venture focusing on middle-market-sized deals in real estate, commodities, logistics and infrastructure sectors in Far East Russia. We will soon sign an MOU with Nonghyup and represent its business opportunities in developing cooperative food processing projects as well as sales & trading of agricultural products in Russa. Since Russia has imposed self food ban from Western countries and its desire to be self sustainable in food related sector, we would like to take this golden opportunity to capture the market which was dominated by European agricultural firms and global food processing industries. We are currently working with the two largest companies in Far East Russia, Primorsky Sakhar (Similar capacity of CJ – conversion of sugar cane refinery to sugar beets refinery, modernization of fish processing plant and expansion of retails outlets), and SGB Management Group which has vertically integrated dairy processing plant from dairy cattle breeding units to its agricultural feed stock facilities. We also seek to develop local business opportunities as well.
We are looking for a passionate, intelligent, and responsible business student to take on a number of responsibilities as an analyst intern. The intern will perform duties including, but not limited to: market research, sales, financial modeling, and project development. Being a boutique firm, we are able to offer an extremely hands-on, in-depth work experience often unavailable at larger firms.
Currently, we have several projects and are in need of an independent, self-starting student intern who is fluent in English and has a basic understanding of finance and business. Plus fluent-speaker in Chinese and Russia is highly preferred. Proficiency in Microsoft PowerPoint and Excel is preferred. |
1. 모집부문: Research Analyst Intern (1명)
2. 직무설명
- Market Research and Analysis (러시아 및 CIS 국가, 중국, 국내 특정 산업)
- Sales & Trading
- Preliminary Feasibility Study
- Project Management and Financial Modeling
3. 자격요건
- 휴학생, 유학생, 졸업예정자, 졸업생
- 3개월 근속근무 가능자
- 영어 능통자
- MS Office 능통자
- 책임감 있고, 성실하게 일할 수 있는 자
4. 지원 시 우대사항
- 중국어, 러시아어 능통자
5. 근무조건
- 근무기간: 채용 시부터 최소 3개월
- 근무시간: 09:00~18:00 (주 5일)
- 회사위치: 서울시 서초구 서초3동
6. 지원기간: 2015. 1. 27 (화) ~ 2015. 1. 31(토)
*Interview will be scheduled first-come-first-serve basis
7. 전형절차
- 1차 서류심사 (면접일정은 서류전형 합격자에 한하여 개별통보)
- 2차 면접심사 (서류 도착순으로 진행)
8. 지원방법
- E-mail Only:
- 제출서류: ① 영문 이력서 및 자기소개서 ② 본인이 제작한 PPT 문서파일
- 파일 및 메일제목: Intern_성명_학교
* 기타 궁금한 사항은 혹은 070-7569-8124로 문의