BAT KOREA 썸네일형 리스트형 |한국취업코칭센터| BAT Korea 인사부 HR Intern 채용(~8/14) BAT Korea 인사부 HR Intern 채용 접수기간: 8/10~8/14 지원기간: 2015.08.14 24:00 접수방법: 제출자료: 국/영문 이력서 및 자기소개서 근무기간: 2015년 8월부터 ~ 3개월 담당업무: BAT Korea 인사부서에서 채용 project support e.g) Employer branding activity 자격요건 - Good Command of English - Proactive/Ownership/Drive in the task - Internship/work experience in HR is preferred 더보기 |상반기공채| BAT Korea HR/마케팅부문 MT 채용(~4/19) BAT Korea Global Management Trainee Programme HR/마케팅부문 매니지먼트 트레이니 채용 접수기간: 4/1~4/19 23:00 2015년 매니지먼트 트레이니 모집 Our Management Trainee Programme is a two-year programme designed to help you embark on your journey from graduate to one of our leaders of the future. The Management Trainee Programme gives you the opportunity to broaden your horizons; offering you the chance to build foundations in you.. 더보기 |상반기채용| BAT Korea 2015 매니지먼트 트레이니 채용(~2/22) BAT Korea 2015 Global Management Trainee Programme 매니지먼트 트레이니 모집(HR부문) 접수마감: ~2/22 23:00 BAT Korea 채용홈페이지 바로가기 2015년 매니지먼트 트레이니 모집 Our Management Trainee Programme is a two-year programme designed to help you embark on your journey from graduate to one of our leaders of the future. The Management Trainee Programme gives you the opportunity to broaden your horizons; offering you the chance to bui.. 더보기 |취업컨설팅| BAT Korea 2014 Global Management Trainee 채용(~9/28) BAT Korea 2014년 매니지먼트 트레이니 모집 BAT Korea “Global Management Trainee Programme” 2014년 매니지먼트 트레이니 모집 Our Management Trainee Programme is a two-year programme designed to help you embark on your journey from graduate to one of our leaders of the future. The Management Trainee Programme gives you the opportunity to broaden your horizons; offering you the chance to build foundations in your chosen fun.. 더보기 |취업컨설팅| British American Tobacco Korea 인턴 채용(~8/4) British American Tobacco Korea Intern 모집 브리티쉬 아메리칸 토바코 코리아 영업(Trade Marketing & Distribution)부서에서Intern을 모집하고 있습니다. 국제적인 환경에서 근무 할 수 있는 기회를 갖고 싶다면 지원하십시오. (*Management Trainee전형과는 별개입니다.) 모집요건 - 역할: Intern - 모집부서: TM&D-GTR - 모집인원: 0명 - 근무기간: ASAP-6개월간 (추후 연장 가능성 있음) - 근무지: 서울시 강남구 역삼동 737 강남파이낸스센터 42층 해당업무: - Customer Service : Order to Cash - Customer Performance monitoring - Illicit trade moni.. 더보기 [하반기공채] BAT Korea 2014 매니지먼트 트레이니 채용(~7/27) BAT Korea Global Management Trainee Programme 2014년 매니지먼트 트레이니 모집 (접수기간) 7/8~7/27 23:00 (지원서) 첨부양식 더보기 [상반기공채] BAT KOREA Management Trainee 프로그램(~4/27) British American Tobacco Korea Global Management Trainee Programme 2014년 매니지먼트 트레이니 모집 Our Management Trainee Programme is a two-year programme designed to help you embark on your journey from graduate to one of our leaders of the future. The Management Trainee Programme gives you the opportunity to broaden your horizons; offering you the chance to build foundations in your chosen function; oppo.. 더보기 [취업컨설팅] BAT Korea 매니지먼트 트레이니 모집(~4/3) BAT Korea “Global Management Trainee Programme” 2013년 상반기 매니지먼트 트레이니 모집 Our Management Trainee Programme is a two-year programme designed to help you embark on your journey from graduate to one of our leaders of the future. The Management Trainee Programme gives you the opportunity to broaden your horizons; offering you the chance to build foundations in your chosen function; opportunity to gain.. 더보기 이전 1 다음