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Open Positions

|취업컨설팅| 한국존슨앤드존슨 인턴 채용(~8/18)


인턴 채용

접수: 8/13~8/18 18:00


The Worlds Most Broadly Based Healthcare Company

Small Company Environments Give You Opportunity for Big-Company Impact.


A work environment that feels more like that of a small company through

Decentralized organization, team-oriented work groups and people feel closer to the business.

At the same time, we enjoy the resources and stature that people would expect

from a big company like Johnson & Johnson.


한국존슨앤드존슨은 1983년에 설립되어 유아 및 성인용 스킨케어 및 일반의약품 제품으로 소비자들에게 널리 인정받고 있는 회사로서, 아래와 같이 재무팀 부서에서 3개월간 인턴사원으로 근무할 직원을 채용하고자 합니다.. 다국적 회사에서 국제적인 감각을 배양하고 성장하고자 하는 용기 있는 분들의 지원을 기다립니다.



Finance Intern

Working Place



  2014년 졸업 (예정) 자 혹은 휴학자

·         경영/경제 (경영 부/복수 전공) 전공자

·         Advanced English speaking & writing ability

·         Advanced knowledge of MS Office

(Excel, PowerPoint, Word, etc.)

·         Excellent communication, partnership, and team skills  

Job Specifications

   Monthly closing review & reporting

·         Monthly Tax Invoice management

·         Rebate management

·         VAT Report

·         Account Reconciliation review

·         Customer Contract and Mortgage Management

·         Trade Promotion  tracking and controlling 


† Selection Procedure : Document screening à Interview (Inform only to screened individuals)

† Required documents (MS Word file only): English & Korean Resume

† Due Date : Please submit the documents to jkwon12@its.jnj.com by 18:00, August 18st