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Open Positions

|하반기공채| Howden Korea Sales Support Engineer 신입(~8/10)

Howden Korea

Sales Support Engineer


[근무회사 및 모집부문]

* 근무회사: Howden Korea

(공업용 프로펠러 및 압축기 생산 기업 (축류 선풍기, 원심 선풍기, 프로펠러, 예열기 등))


* 홈페이지: http://www.howden.com/

* Position: Sales Support Engineer



Our people are at the core of what we do and, supported by industry leading engineering and our extensive track record, we build relationships that offer true, long-term value. It is our people that make the difference. They are behind our engineering and can install, fix and upgrade any of our industrial fans and process gas compressors. We pride ourselves on custom building an air and gas handling application to meet our customers distinctive needs. Thats where our worldwide experience, specialist expertise and supportive people really make all the difference.



- Provide daily support to Sales Manager and team (Travel Planning related; Client/Visitor Arrangement etc.)

- Purchase all the biding documents and bid documents delivery support cross the country.

- Responsible for updating all registered bidders access to the related sites. Connect the CRM set and follow up with Sales Manager.

- Documentation management for Team.



- 대졸 이상 (신입 지원자)

- 졸업 예정자 지원 가능

- 기계공학 전공자 우대

- 관련 경력 보유자 우대

- 영어 활용 능통자 (Speaking & Writing)



- 고용형태: 정규직

- 근무지: 서울시 강남구 삼성동 143-42 원방빌딩 15

- 근무시간: 09:00 ~ 18:00 ( 5)

- 급여: 면접 후 협의

- 복리후생: 회사 내규에 따름



- 이메일 지원: fernando.moon@manpower.co.kr

- 이메일 제목: Howden Sales Support Engineer_지원자 본인 성함 기재

- 제출서류: /영문 이력서 및 자기소개서 (MS Word 파일)

- 채용 마감일: 채용 시 마감(ASAP)

- 담당자: 문정석 주임, 02-6420-0393