신입/경력 채용
회사명 : 보스톤사이언티픽코리아 (주 )
주소 : 서울시 강남구 도곡동 467-14 SEI 타워 19층
지사설립년월 : 1996년 12월
등록번호 : 214-86-12619
홈페이지 : http://www.bostonscientific.com
직원 : 70명
연매출액 : 800억원
자본금 : 100억원
Boston Scientific Korea is an entity of Boston Scientific Corporation (NYSE: BSX), the worlds largest medical device company dedicated to less-invasive therapies. The Company's products and technologies are designed to reduce risk, trauma, cost, procedure time and the need for aftercare. At Boston Scientific, finding new ways to help patients live better lives is what we do - every one of us, every day. The medical solutions we pioneer enable people to go on living the lives they love. We help clinicians improve patients lives by delivering innovative medical technologies that lead the world in quality, reliability and efficacy. We never stop searching for more effective solutions, because we believe we can make life better.
Being formed in December 1996, Boston Scientific Korea is a sales and marketing organization concentrating on delivering the best less invasive therapies to our customers throughout Korea. Our business has grown dramatically over the years and we are committed to maintaining our position as a key player in the industry.
Our aim over the next few years is to continue to build on our strengths and to increase our leadership in the market. As we move forward, we welcome talented candidates to join our organization. We firmly believe that every employee has an important role and that together, we can achieve greater success.
Job Title : Distribution Assistant
Assists SAP transaction in receiving, handling and dispatching goods.
Maintaining records according to defined standards.
Key Responsibilities
· SAP transaction
Create SAP transaction for return goods from customer, unboxing goods, inventory reconciliation of field/DC, STO for export goods and complaint replacement to customer.
· Verify inventory data
Upload and verify inventory data with 3PL
· Manage daily issue from QA/RA/Sales/MKTG
Ensure all activities related with import history, import declaration report, label issue, complaint goods replacement, delivery schedule handing for equipment product.
· Filing documents
File all DC in/out going documents for Audits.
· Communication channel between BSK and 3PL
· University graduate, entry level
· Accurate data transaction
· Have very methodical behavior
· Good communication and interpersonal skills.
· Self-reliance and the ability to work without close supervision.
· Display initiative and problem solving ability.
· Excellent skill in MS office(Excel)
· Good at English (oral and written)
· SAP experience is preferred.
Working Location
· Head office (강남구 도곡동) and Distribution center(성동구 성수동)
- 1st : Document screening
- 2nd : Interview by Logistics & Distribution Manager & HR Manager
- 3rd : Interview by Country Head
7월 10일까지
Resume and cover letter in English and Korean
MS Word 형식으로 파일 하나로 제출
파일 제목과 메일 제목을 “Distribution Assistant지원 _ 지원자 이름 “ 으로 작성
E-mail: HRKorea@bsci.com
보상 및 복지제도
4대 보험
주 5일 근무
인센티브제, 퇴직금, 장기근속자 포상, 우수사원 표창/포상
본인 /가족 단체 보험 가입
법인콘도 이용
점심 식대 지원