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Open Positions

|한국취업코칭센터| ABC News 서울지국 인턴 채용(~8/24)

미국 ABC News

서울지국 인턴 채용

Deadline: ~8/24 (ASAP)


ABC News Seoul Bureau is seeking interns!

ABC News Seoul Bureau is looking for passionate, hard-working and bilingual interns who would appreciate the experience of being a foreign journalist. The job will be mainly focused on news briefing, researching and assisting field reporting. In general, hours are flexible when news is slow, but interns must be able to fully commit when news breaks.

In principle, the internship is non-paid. However there may be paid part-time interpretation opportunities from other affiliated companies with ABC News. Moreover, there will be unique opportunities to work in the field when news breaks.


Job Requirements:

- Must be interested in journalism, media or communication field

- Must be bilingual (English and Korean) -enough to translate interviews on the spot

- Must be flexible, motivated and able to work under pressure

- Must be a team player



- At least 6 months to a year (starting September)


Working conditions:

- Monday ~ Friday 11AM - 6PM

- Must be able to be on call for urgent news 24/7


NO phone inquiries, please.

Send resume & cover letter as soon as possible to: abcnews.seoul@gmail.com

**We recommend those interested to apply early as the position may be filled PRIOR to the deadline.