Sales Operations Internship
접수기간: 8/18~8/31
Job Posting Title: Sales Operations Internship
Job Description:
- 매월 & 매분기 영업 팀별 실적 분석을 위한 data 출력 및 Sales forecast 자료 취합
- 매월 주요 전자 제품의 주 고객사 생산 현황 취합 ( Smart Phone/Tablet/DTV/Note PC/Panels/Automotive, etc)
- 매월 Industrial market 에 해당하는 고객사 제품의 생산 현황 취합(가전, 의료기기, 공장자동화 , CC Camera,etc)
- 매월 반도체 시장 관련 Market information/Media clip collection
- TI 반도체 사업부별 business review 자료 data 출력 및 실적 forecast 취합
- 분기별 반도체 TAM(Total market Available) data DB maintenance
- Monthly revenue close call support – Data collection & consolidate from each account
- Korea End Equipment run-rate report- Collect the run-rate for Key End Equipment and update
- Korea Key industrial customer’s E/E run-rate update
- Korea market monthly report - Collect the related market news and distribute at the end of month.
- Business review data (BU deep dive in Korea or Asia BU workshop) collection and consolidation: workshop - twice a year for each BU ( PWR/HPA/HVAL/SVA/EP)
- [JaUP/ AUP/ JUP/ OUP report] - NSE/NR forecast data collection from each sales group & analysis on the changes
- [NSE/NR/Backlog report] – Update the device level data and post it at share directory not only for Sales but also for QC, FAE.etc
- Local TAM DB maintenance by coordination with individual Sales
- Disty’s New deployment data consolidation
- Annual Plan data consolidation
- HASC code clean-up for Mass market resale data
Required Basic Qualifications:
- 전기전자(Electronic Engineering) 전공 선호하나 전공 무관함
- Microsoft Office (Excel/Powerpoint)에 능숙한 자
- 영어로 Communication이 가능한 자
- Full-Time으로 6개월 이상 근무 가능한 자
- 재학생/졸업 예정자/기졸업자 모두 지원 가능
Staffing Process: 1차 서류전형 → 2차 실무면접 → 합격
(면접은 서류전형 합격자에 한해 개별통지 합니다)
Application Due Date: 채용 마감까지(이력서 접수 순으로 면접 진행되오니, 빠른 지원이 유리할 수 있습니다)
- Required Documents: Resume and Cover Letter (English) → Merge all files into 1 MS word file
- Submit required documents by email: ceko@ti.com
- Subject of Email and MS Word: “TIK_Sales Operations Internship_Your Korean Name in Korean_yyyy”
( e.g.”TIK_Sales Operations Internship_홍길동_2015”)
- If you have any questions regarding application, please contact CE Ko (ceko@ti.com)