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Open Positions

|한국취업코칭센터| SIG Partners RA 인턴 채용(~8/13)

Business and Management Consulting Firm

SIG Partners


RA 인턴 채용


접수기간: 8/10~8/13


1. About SIG Partners

[Consulting Area]

- Business Model Innovation

- Operating Model Innovation

- Financial Management Innovation

- Performance Management Innovation

(For more detailed information, please visit to www.sig.partners)


2. Employment Type

- Research Assistant (Internship Consultant) for a project

(The employee would be appointed on a probationary basis for a period of 4 months.)

- Business Consultant


3. Job Requirements

- Bachelor’s, Master’s, or MBA degree holders or candidates

- Candidate for business consultant must have experiences in the financial industry


4. Additional Information

- Application deadline: 13th, August (closing when recruited)

- Document for submission: CV written in Korean or English (cover letter is not required)


5. Contact Information

- Submit CV to joinus@sig.partners or joinus@sig-partners.com

- Tel 82.2.3483.8200


6. Company Location Information

9F, PSG Building, 171 Dosan-daero, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Korea


7. 기타

- 인턴직이나 4개월 Probation 기간을 거쳐 입사 기회 부여 예정

- 컨설턴트 직무 지원할 수 있는 금융산업 컨설팅 기경험 보유자 우대