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Open Positions

|한국취업코칭센터| 사노피-아벤티스코리아 OTC팀 인턴 채용(~6/28)


컨슈머헬스케어사업부 OTC팀 인턴 채용

접수기간: 6/24~6/28


글로벌 헬스케어 리더 기업인 사노피(본사: 프랑스)의 국내 컨슈머 헬스케어 사업부에서 함께 할 인턴을 모집합니다.


사노피그룹은 전 세계 100여 개국에 진출하여 11만 명의 임직원을 보유한 세계적인 헬스케어 컴퍼니입니다. 사노피-아벤티스코리아는 심혈관계, 당뇨, 항암을 포함한 다양한 질환을 치료하는 전문의약품, 백신, 희귀의약품 및 동물의약품을 보유하고 있으며, 현재 국내 4위 다국적 제약사 입니다. 사노피-아벤티스코리아는 사업의 다각화를 위하여 2010세노비스 브랜드 출시를 시작으로 소비자 대상의 컨슈머 헬스케어 분야에도 진출하였습니다.



Participate and help in developing different faces of Cenovis at PHY in terms of business, particularly in sales data analysis and marketing tactics development. Also, help developing OTC organization setting up.


Type: Internship - OTC team intern



Support new product development and product launch activities

Analyze sales data and keep track of monthly performance by channel and by customer

Research and analyze industry and consumer trends, market data and current dynamics

Proof-reading Website pages, Press Release articles, and various types of marketing collateral

Digital and Social media monitoring (Blogs, Twitter, Facebook, etc.) and report

Support research projects which includes reviewing questionnaires and reports

Support CRM data integration project and campaign development

Provide support to other team members whenever needed

Marketing administration duties

Participation in all key meetings


Organization context

Direct report to: OTC Innovation & RA manager

Functional report to: Pharmacy sales manager



Must have (or be working towards) a Bachelor’s degree from a top-notch institution


Desired skill & experience

Interest in Pharmacy OTC and HFF

Solid interpersonal skills, research skills, analytical skills, presentation skills and logical approach to problem solving

Exceptional written and verbal communications skills both in Korean and English

Excellent computer skills (especially Excel skill)


Tenure of Internship: Minimum 6 months ~ 1 year


Please send your resume to Jaemin.Kwon@sanofi.com by June 26

(Contact Information: 02-2136-9260)