GSK Consumer Healthcare Korea
2015년도 Future Leaders Program
접수기간: 6/19~6/29
Requisition ID: 114922
Position: Graduate Development Programs
Open date: 2015. 6. 19 오전 5:08:31
Functional area: Commercial
Location: Seoul, South Korea
Required degrees: Bachelors
Relocation: Not Indicated
Basic qualifications:
- 우수 학부 졸업 예정자 (2015년 9월부터 근무 가능자)
- 전공무관
- 학점 3.5 이상 (4.5 만점)
- 한국어 및 영어 능통자
- 헬스케어 산업에 대한 열정, 진취적인 성격, 뛰어난 커뮤니케이션 스킬, 그리고 리더쉽 소유자
Preferred qualifications:
- 우수 학부 졸업생
GSK Consumer Healthcare Korea에서는 2015년도 GSK CH Future Leaders Program (신입, 정직원)을 다음과 같이 모집하오니, 많은 지원 바랍니다. 해당 프로그램은 우수 학부 졸업생을 대상으로 2년 동안 3-4개의 직무 및 다양한 개발 경험을 제공하여 리더로 성장시키고자 하는 GSK 글로벌 fast track 프로그램입니다.
1. 모집 인원 및 지원자격: 총 0명 (신입, 정직원)
2. 지원방법: 온라인 지원을 통한 CV, Cover letter 및 아래 3개의 질문에 대한 Essay 제출
*1개의 MS Word 파일로 제출해 주시기 바랍니다.
Essay 질문 (영어로 작성 및 각 질문당 300자로 제한)
①Why have you decided to apply to GlaxoSmithKline Consumer Healthcare Korea and to the Future Leader’s Program? Please include examples of specific experience and knowledge you can bring to it.
②Please tell us about a current topic under discussion in the healthcare industry that interests you and how you think it could impact GlaxoSmithKline.
③Reflecting on your involvement in any extracurricular activities, please give a detailed description of the key achievements and responsibilities you have gained or held in the past 3–4 years.
3. 전형 일정: 회사의 사정에 따라서 변경될 수 있습니다.
- 서류접수 마감: [2015년 6월 29일(월) 24:00 기한]
- 1차 면접 심사: [2015년 7월 6일(월) - 2014년 7월 10일(금)] * 서류 합격자에 한하여 진행
-Assessment Centre: [2015년 8월중] * 1차 면접 합격자에 한해서 개별 연락
-최종 면접: [2015년 6월중]
-입사: [2015년 9월]
제출된 서류는 반환되지 않으며, 서류 불합격자에게는 별도로 통보하지 않음
What's Consumer Healthcare all about?
GSK Consumer Healthcare operates inside a fast moving and demanding industry, within which we have leading positions in four main categories: Oral care, Nutritional, Total wellness and Skin health.
This 3 year sales and marketing programme is a chance to work in a variety of business functions within Consumer Healthcare that help form and maintain these world renowned brands. It’s also an opportunity to launch a leading career with an organisation dedicated to helping people do more, feel better and live longer.
Do I have the skills?
You’ll need to be both creative and commercially savvy, with the potential and enthusiasm to become an inspirational commercial leader. This means leading strategically from the front, being an effective team player as well as demonstrating excellent networking skills.
What will the programme be like?
The programme will give you a breadth of sales and marketing expertise through challenging rotations in field sales, brand marketing, commercial marketing and supply chain. You’ll work across our wide range of brands, building relationships with suppliers, retailers and consumers. There will be real structured opportunities from day one – preparing you to become a future commercial leader of our Consumer Healthcare business.
The Consumer Healthcare Future Leaders Programme is a 3 year scheme designed specifically to give you a breadth of experience through challenging and diverse rotations. The 3 years will be split into:
-9 months in Field Sales with the hypermarkets or Dental Sales teams. This will be a customer facing role requiring you to deliver compelling selling stories and education and to drive sales and recommendation, making the role both target driven and demanding.
-9 months in Marketing. This will be a practical and creative rotation that will give you the opportunity to work on ‘live’ projects for world renowned brands. You will be looking at analysing consumer preference, buyer tastes and influences and the patterns that affect the rate of sales of our products.
-9 months in Supply Chain or Finance. Here you will take three short rotations in Demand Forecasting, Supply Planning, and Customer Service & Logistics, to ensure you gain maximum knowledge and insight into the manufacturing and distribution of our products.
-9 months in a “Business” Placement. This rotation could see you take responsibility for key account customers, retail execution initiatives, commercial planning or brand development. This will be your opportunity to channel the skills learned throughout the programme to demonstrate your performance and growth.
Where will I be based?
Within the field sales rotation you will be given a specific territory to cover within the Korea thus influencing your location for those nine months. The following rotations are primarily based at GSK Korea Office in Seoul.
Where can I go?
You’ll be developed and supported every step of the way along the programme. Before the end of each placement, you’ll work with the programme manager to identify where you will go next. Each placement will be appropriate to your skills development and business needs. Initial roles are within the Korea although as a truly global organisation there may be opportunities to gain international experience in the future.
What will I learn?
We’ll do all we can to help you develop yourself – and enable you to develop others. Most of your training will be on the job, but you’ll also learn from developmental relationships, coaching and formal training. Through this mix, you’ll develop your business knowledge and world-class leadership skills. While on the programme, you’ll be able to rely on the advice and support of a dedicated "buddy" (a current graduate), a mentor (a senior member of your team), the scheme sponsors group, and your programme and line managers.
Contact information:
You may apply for this position online by selecting the Apply now button.
Important notice to Employment businesses/ Agencies
GSK does not accept referrals from employment businesses and/or employment agencies in respect of the vacancies posted on this site. All employment businesses/agencies are required to contact GSK's commercial and general procurement/human resources department to obtain prior written authorization before referring any candidates to GSK. The obtaining of prior written authorization is a condition precedent to any agreement (verbal or written) between the employment business/ agency and GSK. In the absence of such written authorization being obtained any actions undertaken by the employment business/agency shall be deemed to have been performed without the consent or contractual agreement of GSK. GSK shall therefore not be liable for any fees arising from such actions or any fees arising from any referrals by employment businesses/agencies in respect of the vacancies posted on this site.