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Open Positions

|상반기채용| 로얄캐닌코리아 영업지원/총무 신입 채용(~5/20)


영업지원 및 총무업무 신입 채용

접수기간: 5/8~5/20


직무명:  Sales Support & GA Specialist (영업지원  총무)



Sales Data Handling (영업/매출 데이터 관리)

- Maintain sales data warehouse and handle data processing in order for various type of sales reporting


Sales Reporting (영업/매출 일별/주별 리포트)

- Daily sales report of Sell-in by customer by SR by SKU

- Weekly sales report of Sell-in and Sell out by customer by SR by SKU

- Weekly sales report of POSM progress and Promotion progress

- Regular status tracking and reporting for Sales programs of JBP, Top Store Program, etc.


Sales Performance tracking (영업/매출 성과분석)

- In charge of 4P tracking quarterly wave for collecting 4P data, tracking, reporting, suggestion for improvement, action planning with SRs

- Review Sales performance status tracking by SR, by MD, by Promotion

- Sales programs evaluation

- Sales team deployment & tracking & consolidation

- SR incentive KPIs achievement tracking, calculation and communication quarterly


Distributor Performance tracking (대리점 매출 성과분석)

- Sales performance status tracking by rural distributors

- Distributor incentive calculation


Sales Planning Groundwork (영업기획 기초작업)

- Through Sales Reporting and Performance Tracking, read sales trend by customer by area by SKU, provide sales director with trend insight for sales planning


Sales Operation and Communication

- Regular check OOS list with Supply Chain and share/alert OOS list to SRs

- Organize and communicate regular sales meeting schedules and agenda


General Affairs (총무 업무)

- Administration of company rental cars and office rent & maintenance

- In charge of business cards, office supplies, and sending flowers to customers

- Company-wide meeting & outing organization and coordination



- 영업부 또는 영업기획팀에서 인턴경력 6개월 이상부터 2년까지

- 분석력통계데이터 관리 능력 

- MS Excel 능숙

- 꼼꼼하고 긍정적인 성격

- 영업부마케팅 물류부와 협업  뛰어난 대화력전달력



- Sales Directors 영업 이사에게 직접 보고

- Close collaboration with Sales Reps, Brand Managers and Supply chain


제출서류  지원처

- 영문 이력서  자기 소개서 in MS Word

- 이메일 접수 sara.lee@royalcanin.com

- 인사부 전화번호 070-7114-2429