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Open Positions

|상반기채용| CC Partners 마케팅 담당 신입채용(~4/30)

CC Partners Incorp.

마케팅 담당 신입 채용

접수기간: 4/24~4/30


1. 회사소개 (www.bnbhero.com)


Collaborative Consumption is used to describe an economic model based on sharing, swapping, bartering, trading or renting access to products as opposed from the mass production and over consuming. It has proven it by being picked as TIMEs top 10 most influential idea which can be changed the world. That could be peer to peer marketplaces such as social lending, peer-to-peer travel and car sharing. Collaborative Consumption is disrupting outdated modes of business and reinventing not just what people consume but how they consume it.

Interpersonal exchange services are already used by online content providers but that offline interpersonal exchange services for house, car, book. clothes were only accepted when large online vendor company brokered a deal. However, nowadays the deal is possible based on is spreading due to the recent advance in IT especially social network services.


2. 모집부문(신입)

- Social media marketing manager + Website CS manager


3. 채용조건

- 여성 졸업 또는 졸업예정자 선호(Target FIT 특성상)

- 영어 가능자(영문 블로그 포스팅 가능 및 자유로운 회화 가능)


4. 근무조건(정규직)

- 초봉 2,600만원

- 입사 1년 후 업무역량에 따라 스탑옵션 부여 여부 가능

- 5일 근무(9A~6P)

- 4대 보험, 퇴직금, 건강검진, 상대적으로 자유로운 휴가사용


5. 접수기간

- 4 30일까지


6. 접수서류

- 특별한 양식 없는 이력서(Casual 사진포함)

- Social media 운영 경력(하기 관련 URL 및 간단한 소개)

  (Blog, google+, Facebook, Instagram, cafe, twiter, Youtube, Pinterest )


7. 접수방법

- 이메일 접수: yccho@bnbhero.com

- 문의: 1577-7297, 010-4022-2442