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Open Positions

|상반기채용| Ipsos Korea 비즈니스컨설팅 인턴 채용(~4/13)

Ipsos Korea

Business Consulting Intern

(Based in Seoul, South Korea)

접수기간: 4/2~4/13



Ipsos Korea는 세계 초일류 마케팅 Research 전문 기관인 Ipsos Group의 한국 내 현지 법인입니다프랑스에 본사를 둔 세계적인 마케팅 리서치 전문 기관인 IPSOS의 한국 지사로서, IPSOS know-how와 장점만을 살린 조직체계를 중심으로 최고의 경영진과 전문인력으로 구성된 전문 마케팅 리서치 전문회사입니다.

지금까지 오랜 기간 동안 삼성전자, LG전자, SK텔레콤, KT&G, P&G Korea, Coca-cola, Mercedes Benz Korea 등의 국내외 유수의 고객사들과 프로젝트를 수행해 왔으며 그 동안 리서치와 관련된 능력과 경쟁력 면에서 우수한 Consumer Research회사로 평가를 받아왔습니다그 결과 최근 몇 년 동안에는 국내에서 가장 빠르게 성장해 오는 Research 회사로서 자리 매김 할 수 있었습니다.


 Ipsos Business Consulting is the strategic business unit of a global market intelligence and research company. We assist clients globally to enter, evolve and expand in emerging and developed markets through fact-based market analysis. Assisting clients since 1994, we have a strong track record with more than 3,000 consulting engagements covering markets globally. As part of our expansion, we are on the lookout for talent to join us.


■ Requirements:

• Bachelor degree holder or student in Business/Management/Economics

(Also accept undergraduate applicants and graduate school students)

• Well read with good general knowledge including knowledge of current news locally and globally.

• Possesses strong analytical skills, multitasking skills and project management-related experience.

• Strong business acumen and interest in international business, strategy, marketing, and economic issues

• Fluent in both spoken and written English and Korean with excellent report writing skills

• Excellent MS Office skills 


 ■ Desired Skills / Attributes:

• Professional

• Proactive / Self-motivated

• Able to work effectively in a team and independently

• Able to work under pressure and meet deadlines

• Multi-tasking ability

• Excellent time management


 Job Objectives

1) Project Execution

• Assist conducting research and review

• Assist  Writing reports

 2) Business Development

• Assist in proposal writing

3) Team support

• Assist other tasks related team’s projects


■ Term of Internship

• 3 Month (6 month is preferred)


■ Location

• Chungjeongno, Seoul


■ Compensation

•  Disclosed at interview stage


 To Apply

- Required Documents: Ipsos Application Form(English) + Resume and Cover Letter (Both Korean & English)

- Application Form is attached

- Please submit required documents by email: internapply@ipsos.kr

- For more information on Ipsos business consulting, please visit www.ipsos.com/businessconsulting



- 1차 서류전형

- 2차 면접전형

(서류전형 합격자에 한하여 개별 통보합니다.)



1) 접수기간: 2015 04 13() 24

2) 지원방법: 이메일 접수(internapply@ipsos.kr)

3) 제출서류: Application Form(회사 양식) + /영문 이력서 및 자기소개서(개인 양식)



- 제출된 서류는 반환하지 않으며, 허위 기재 사실이 있는 경우 합격이 취소됩니다.

-  병역필 또는 군 면제자로서 해외여행에 결격사유가 없는 자

-  국가보훈대상자 및 장애인은 관련법규에 의거하여 우대합니다.


