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Open Positions

|상반기채용| 아탈리어소시에이트코리아 Jr.컨설턴트 채용(~3/13)

Attali & Associés Korea

아탈리 어소시에이트 코리아

Junior consultant 채용공고

접수기간: 2/26~3/13


Company Description

We are an international consulting firm with a strong commitment for enhancing relations between France and Korea.

We work with blue chip companies, innovative entrepreneurs, public institutions and governments.

We have access to an extensive network of decision-makers in Europe and Korea.

We are the Korean branch of Attali & Associés, the international consulting firm founded and headed by Jacques Attali.


Work scope

The candidate will be in charge of fully supporting or directly managing A&A Korea’s operations

- Client relations management

- Production of Clients’ deliverables

- Preparation of commercial proposals

- Participation of business development and networking activities

- Planning and production of A&A Korea’s marketing, and PR tools and events

- Support in legal & administrative tasks


Required skills and qualifications

- Relevant work experience of 1-2 years the following fields:

> Management, or marketing & communication consulting

> Marketing division of a global company

> International Trade division of a global company

- Good summarizing and analytical skills 

- Excellent oral and written communication skills

- Autonomy

- Native Korean speaker

- Fluent either in English or in French

- Proficiency in Excel and Powerpoint

- Good knowledge of the French corporate context and news is a plus


Forms of Employment

- One-year contract, which may lead to a full-time position

- Remuneration to be negotiated


Guidelines for Applicants

Please apply no later than March 13th, 2015 by sending your C.V. and cover letter both in English to contact@attali.co.kr

Selected applicants will be individually contacted for a two-round interview session.


Contact Information

Pierre Joo, pierre.joo@attali.co.kr