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Open Positions

|상반기채용| 재규어랜드로버코리아 2015 인턴십(~2/23)


2015 인턴십 채용

접수기간: 2/16~2/23


Open Position: Human Resources & General Administration Intern

Period: 4 months (중간평가 이후 연장 검토 가능)

Salary and Compensation: 세전 168만원 및 4대 보험 지원

Documents to submit

- CV & Self Introduction in both Korean and EnglishMS Word

- 개인정보 수집 및 활용 동의서 (첨부파일 확인)

- 서류는 하나로 통합하여 제출해 주시고 제출하는 모든 서류의 파일명은 지원부서_지원자 성명으로 되어야 합니다.

(e.g: HR&GA _홍길동)

Due date and email address

- 접수마감: February 23, 2015

- Email to: eseo@jaguarlandrover.com


Rolling basis: 서류 제출 순서대로 우선적으로 면접 기회가 주어집니다.


Position: Human Resources & General Administration Intern

Academic Qualifications Required:

Bachelor’s degree or prospective graduates in Business Administration, Education, Psychology or Journalism related majors are preferred.


Competency, Skill, Knowledge Required

- High proficiency in Microsoft applications

- English fluency

- Interpersonal skill

- Passionate for people

- Self-initiated

- Collaborative

- Flexibility

- Detail-oriented

- Learning capability


Experience Required: Internship experience preferred.


Daily Job Objectives:

1. HRM (Human Resource Management)

- Assist with Managing candidate profile list

- Employee profile and record list up and management

- Performance management process support

- Survey data input support

- Plan out and arrange employee engagement activities

2. HRD (Human Resource Development)

- Assist with on/off-line training

- On-boarding employee induction support

- Employee satisfaction survey support

- Training program execution support (HQ and  local on-line training, HQ Compliance training follow up etc)


Internship Project:

1. Project 1

1) Title: Human Resources Development Training (Tack)

2) Purpose: To monitor employee development and competency through training

3) Ideal performance output: 100% completion of each course by relevant employees


2. Project 2

1) Title: Internal Team newsletter  (Biannually released)

2) Purpose: To enhance internal communication and employee engagement.

3) Ideal performance: TeamTalk Jaguar Land Rover Korea Vol.5 publication


