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Open Positions

|상반기채용| 라몽트르에르메스코리아 Trainee 채용(ASAP)

La Montre Hermes Korea


Trainee 채용


접수마감: 2/9~채용 시(ASAP)


●회사: La Montre Hermes Korea

- 세계 최고의 럭셔리 브랜드인 HERMES Watch 담당 자회사. 2012 4월 한국 법인 설립

- 위치: 서울시 강남구 신사동 630-26, 에르메스 도산파크 6


Position: Trainee (9mth)


Department: Office, LMH Korea


Job Description

- The Trainee will be supporting overall administrative works within La Montre Hermes Korea


1) Marketing & PR

- Clipping & Scanning the articles which is Hermes Watch related

- Product handling for press shooting

- Assisting the events

- Press release translation


2) A/S

- Organizing A/S files & raw data for AS reporting

- Filing A/S related documents after receiving from each POS

- Work as laison between watch technician and POS / Regional A/S detp for AS inquiries


3) Retail Operation

- Corresponding to the routine requests from each POS

- Logistics support on domestic & duty free business


4) Office Admin

- Office documents filing

- Handling parcels from and to each POS & Related parties. ? Arranging, Dropping & picking up the parcels

- Help with ad-hot requests


Job Requirements

- Fluent English skills (Written & Verbal)

- Understanding of retail business

- Self motivated

- Bachelor's degree (휴학생 지원 가능)

- 계약 기간 9개월

- 월급여 약 110만원


How to Apply

- English Resume + Cover Letter

- send to: sophie.kim@hermes.com