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Open Positions

|상반기채용| 주한유럽상공회의소 인턴 채용(~1/22)

European Chamber of Commerce in Korea (ECCK)

Internship Opportunity

Deadline: ~1/22 16:00


General Request: Position



Posting Date


Application Deadline

2015-01-22, 4PM


European Chamber of Commerce in Korea (ECCK)


1 year (32hours/ week)


Automotive Industry


Minimum Wage


Job Description & Requirement

Short committee introduction

The Automotive Industry comprises 4 Committees: Passenger Vehicle Committee, Heavy Duty Commercial Vehicle Committee, Auto-Parts Committee, Tyre Committee.


Job Description

- Monitor the current automotive regulation and news

- Assist in the general management of the Automotive Industry

- Conduct research on various topics using resources in English & Korean, and draft short articles/memos in English for the Committee Director

- Assist in the preparation of major events (conference, seminars)

- Translate various reports/articles (Korean>English / English>Korean)

- Other tasks as instructed by ECCK staff.



- Fluent in Korean and English (both oral and written), other language(s) a plus;

- Good research & analytical skills and capacity to summarize relevant information;

- Excellent writing and communication skills;

- Proficiency in using MS Office;

- Organised, proactive and self-confident.


Application Procedure

Please send your application by email to Seonghwan.jeon@ecck.eu or ea.kang@ecck.eu by Thursday, Jan 22, 2015. Your application package must include:

Cover letter in English / Korean (max. 1 page)

CV in English / Korean with recent picture (max. 1 page)


Late or incomplete applications will not be considered. The ECCK will only contact candidates with whom we would like to have an interview