외국계 투자그룹 신입(Junior Analyst) 및 경력(Associate) 채용
마감 : ~12/14 24:00
회사 소개
한국에 진출한 외국계 투자그룹 서울사무소(WTR Partners Korea)에서 Cross-border 투자 및 Portfolio Company 성장/관리를 담당할 ①신입(Junior Analyst) 및 ②경력(Associate) 직원을 모집합니다. 일반적인 국내 투자업무가 아닌 국내외 유명 펀드/투자그룹과 함께 해외 M&A, 해외 Marketing & IR, 해외 IPO업무를 함께할 능력있는 글로벌 인재을 찾고 있습니다. 국내외 Top Class Law Firm 및 금융기관에서 다년간 경력을 쌓은 변호사들과 투자전문가들이 국내외 펀드설립, 국내외 유망 중소/중견기업의 해외 IPO, 해외투자(Foreign Direct Investment) 유치, 해외 기업 M&A, 지적재산권 보호 등의 업무를 진행하고 있습니다. 다양한 Cross-border 전략/기획 및 투자에 관심 있는 분들의 지원을 부탁 드립니다.
We are a Global Investment/Consulting Group structured to represent and manage emerging growth companies through every stage of their lifecycle and to provide ongoing operational counsel as well as transactional services. Under the Group, we have an international law division (New York and Seoul), global private equity/venture capital divisions (New York, London and Seoul) and a global acceleration division (New York and Seoul) for our portfolio companies. We are currently seeking (i) a junior analyst and (ii) an experienced associate (3+ years) to join our private equity/venture capital divisions and global acceleration division. This position offers the selected candidates the opportunity to apply their acquired corporate skills while continuing to develop them and be mentored by highly regarded leaders in the field, including former Am Law 100 attorneys, executives from Fortune 500 companies, investment professionals and successful entrepreneurs. High degree of personal motivation is a plus! |
- 국내외 투자 실무 및 기획/전략 수립
The selected candidates would be a part of highly collaborative multinational team and would assist/advise/manage on investment matters for cross-border investment funds/vehicles. The selected candidates will interact closely with the Group’s portfolio management teams. Specifically,
the selected candidates will:
- Work on corporate projects, including fund formation, trading, private securities transactions, brokerage relationships, client relations issues and new business initiatives
- Assist with global business matters, including review of marketing materials, investor / portfolio communications and responses to investor / portfolio’s inquiries
- Assist investment and business groups in structuring and facilitating new investments
- Conduct extensive market research around potential investments
지원조건 및 우대경력
- 국내외 대학 졸업자 및 재학중인 학생
- 영어 능통자로서 영문 및 한국어 작문 실력 필수
*Fluent in both English and Korean (MUST)
*Excellent written and oral communication skills (in both English and Korean)
- 군필자
- 해외 유학/거주/취업 경험자 우대
- Ability to learn business quickly, analyze business and commercial risks and propose creative, business-oriented solutions
- Ability to interact directly with internal business managers and subject matter experts to address the needs of growing global business in a thoughtful and practical manner
제출서류 및 접수방법
1) 접수기간 : ~ 2014년 12월 14일 24:00
2) 지원방법 : 이메일 제출 (wtrkorea@gmail.com)
*우편, 방문, 팩스 접수는 받지 않으며 지원 서류는 일체 반환하지 않음
3) 제출서류 :
- 국문 및 영문이력서 1부 (자유양식, 외국거주 & 업무경력 등 기재)
- 영문 자기소개서 (지원 분야: 신입(Junior Analyst or 경력(Associate) 기재 필수)
- 연락처 (이메일 주소, 핸드폰 번호) 반드시 기재
4) 전형방법 : 각 전형 합격자에 한하여 유선 또는 이메일 통보
- 1차: 서류전형
- 2차: 면접 (서류전형 합격자에 한함)
- 3차: 심층면접 (2차 면접 합격자에 한함)
5) 문의처 : 이메일(wtrkorea@gmail.com) 통해 문의 요망